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Post by nils » Thursday 28 February 2008, 10:14

http://www.welt.de/reise/article1731897 ... rving.html

If its not clear by now:
1. EC is for fun !
2. EC does not pretend to be the only way of riding
3. try it :)


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Post by kurtsk8 » Thursday 28 February 2008, 10:43

any traslation ? :D
"I miei sci sbattono, vibrano, sbandano. Io no."

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Post by Bidu » Thursday 28 February 2008, 10:55

Hi Nils

Thank you! I have the article just discovered on the Internet and wanted to add the link. But now ,i have seen that you have already done :D
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Post by skwal » Thursday 28 February 2008, 11:00

Board fun
Boarden was is ExtremeCarving yesterday, today
Two Swiss drive Snowboard for their life gladly. They developed an absolutely fascinating technology. They even build their own Snowboard series and teach annually to different adventure-merry Snowboardern their technology. With "the Carving" one the breath comes to a hold extremes.
Fig. 1 of 7
Jacques Rilliet (right) and Patrice Fivat
Photo: extremecarving.com
Two Swiss Jacques Rilliet (right) and Patrice Fivat are which one "extremes Carver" call.
If one looks in a photo, which shows Jacques Rilliet or Patrice Fivat with their completely own kind of the Snowboarden, one could consider her sleepy nearly. The body lies laterally on the snow-covered soil, the head rests on the stretched arm as with a relaxed Nickerchen. Of because of.
Resuming one left

* Where, please, does Zinal lie?
* Ski manufacturers remain sitting on the boards
* Please, ask, no more runway sows
* High in Zermatt – why ski driving makes addicted
* Heli coil Skiing is a only one white intoxication
* Picture distance: Boarden on the point floated

Rapidly they tear over black runways, nearly throw themselves head over a steep slope down there, the body lean so deeply to the soil that it affects it completely, to only straighten up in order then few seconds later again and bend in the other direction. Two Swiss developed, meanwhile even build an absolutely fascinating technology with the Snowboarden their own series of Snowboards and teach annually to different adventure-merry Snowboardern its technology. On the past weekend was it again so far: In the Swiss ski place Zinal in the Wallis met over 200 participants from all world to "extremes the Carving session 2008".
Then the board rushes like automatically around the body
Push, pull, rotation. Those are the crucial references for this special style. Actually one should have made it, in order to understand it correctly, but tries we it times here in the drying attempt: One stands on the mountain, under itself the steep slope of the runway. It goes loosely. One drives to the left down, uses the entire width of the runway. , before one goes into the curve, one goes briefly deeply into the squat (push), the torso leans forward towards runway, the arms stretched, and then one turns like a screw to the rear – as one for the rear end of the Snowboards would stretch itself (rotation). Then one pushes strongly the knees through, as if one would want to force the board away (pull). In this moment the board rushes as automatically around the body down around, the snow sprays away as lateral with a Meeresgischt, the body affected the soil. It nearly rests upon, the arm is stretched. Schwupp – already straightens up the body again, one sets to the next curve in the other direction.
So far the theory. In practice a group of experienced Snowboarder for – beginners squats is this style not to recommend – on the extras runway closed for it over "instructor" Alessandro and listens to its instructions. Also Alessandro came before five years, when Jacques Rilliet and Patrice Fivat invited for the first time to the meeting, as a beginner to Zinal. Meanwhile it controls the technology so well that it informs with the ECS. After he explained push, pull, rotation, he drives off and shows the new technology in all their beauty and elegance.
Its pupils beaeugen it enviously, fascinated and wildly decided to add it it. First rafft itself up, stands on its board and drives off. Many Snowboarder go affecting leave into the curve and already times with the hand the soil. But this is even habituation needy for Koenner here. "I white, it costs overcoming, nearly head over a so steep runway to down-throw itself", remembers to Jacques Rilliet its first attempts. Actually, pupil number one goes wobbly into the knees and dares not quite. Pupil number two follows and lands on the trousers soil.
At the latest on the third day klappt's
Sobered up if the group drives somewhat holprig the mountain down there, it tries here and there. Alessandro corrected, gives Tipps and makes the style again and again forwards. None fears for, the meeting took three days, at the latest on day 3 most already very good momenta created. Troestlich that also a Jacques Rilliet and a Patrice Fivat had to train very much, very much, until they controlled their own technology so perfectly.
Two Swiss know each other since their twelfth lebensjahr, thus for approximately 28 years. Before 24 years, thus 1984, began Jacques Rilliet with the Snowboarden, after he saw a film of a surfer with the Snowboarden. "it was like love at first sight", says it enthusiastically. The skillful young man built himself his own board – at this time was Snowboarding straight times a niche kind of sport and by no means as common as today – and taught themselves the sport. It needed two years, until it down-slid well the runway. After he had built three boards themselves, he bought the first "correct" Snowboard of the company to "game finally ducks themselves" and came there with the coworkers in contact.
On it he briefly got a job with the enterprise, after he had to break its study off due to a heavy accident. Not the worst idea, could froenen Jacques Rilliet nevertheless here now its passion: He developed prototypes for the company, built boards for each Snowboard style. So that he also knew, how "function" a board had, he trained with the professional team of "game ducks" – from the Freestyle in the Halfpipe up to Racing took part in it everything. Finally it terminated however its job and took up the study of electro-technology, because its second passion are Hifi devices of the special art. no question, the man fiddle gladly and are high creative. But passion number one, the Snowboarden, did not come too briefly.
Key words
Boarden Snowboarder Wallis ski driver of extremes Carving board
It was allowed itself still in the workshop of "game ducks" own boards to build. Since it had stuck on meanwhile its buddy Patrice Fivat with the joy in the Snowboarden, both drove regularly into the skiing areas to down-tear around the runways. Jacques had learned the special technology of the rotation meanwhile with a Trainingscamp. "one has thereby good control", says Swiss from Lausanne, which always is on the search for new ideas. One of it was the very special kind serge of the Vitelli from France, which put with the Snowboarden just as deeply into the curves as with the Surfen. Jacques Rilliet and Patrice Fivat were enthusiastically and tried this out and developed piece for piece a completely own style extremes of the Carving. Rilliet: "it is a mixture from the rotation technology, the deep curves of serge Vitelli and our own ideas."
The draft of own boards
Only the Snowboards was not aligned for it. They slipped away or holperten in the moment, if the two sportsmen approached the soil. Also they must be more strongly than "normal" boards and nevertheless flexibly. Which is’s – finally could Rilliet for themselves boards build. Together with buddy Patrice, he made himself for a studied physicist to sketch a special board. However the foot position is aligned as with a Surfbrett. 1998 came Rilliet and Fivat for the first time into the skiing area of Sorebois, which can be attained from Zinal rapidly with the aerial ropeway. "I drove, made the curve and the board tore like automatically under me away. Wow! That was the first time, which succeeded to me the technology. An unbelievable feeling ", remembers Rilliet. Participant of olive nods approving. It had this Aha experience after practicing for hours and to unite blue marks at Po and lower arm also.
The two filmed themselves mutually, in order to be able to correct itself. Photos of the new technology placed it in the net. The Snowboard Community world-wide, similarly as Rilliet and Fivat always curiously about new developments and possibilities, became fast attentive to it. Also Nile Degrémont from France, which placed the photos on gladly the InterNet forum used by Snowboardern www.bomberonline.com. The inquiries collapsed now almost over Rilliet and Fivat. All wanted to know, how this style functioned and which equipment one needs for it. The boards, which had developed Jacques and Patrice actually only for itself, now actually at "game duck" professionally manufactured. The company "Swoard" developed – for boards, which are not only for extremes the Carving à la Rilliet and Fivat suitable, but is variously applicable for all kinds of the Snowboarden up to the employment in the deep snow and in each case absolute precision ensures. Today the Snowboard giant "Niedecker" manufactures the Swoard boards after the drafts of Rilliet and Fivat.
to get straight "around still one: We drive not constantly half lying the runways down ", say Jacques Rilliet laughing," we drive completely normally. If the runway permits it however, then we lay down ourselves." That is, if for example the inclination is violent enough. Because the technology does not have to do necessarily with much strength or muscle mass. Rather the drivers use the speed and the bevel. "there is completely fine movements", teaches Rilliet.
Experiences and ideas with Fondue and wine
In order to be able to answer all the inquiries of Snowboardern from all world finally and not least, in order to apply the desired boards, Jacques Rilliet and Patrice Fivat organized before five years the first "extremes of several days Carving session" in Zinal. At that time about 70 drivers traveled. In this year there was over 200. "Patrice and I are still completely surprised that we obviously invented a new style. The idea this session is to divide our passion with others ", says Patrice Fivat. It determines also in this year again that most drivers lie after three days already quite reliably in the curve. The two "maestros" are available during the days always for Tipps and for the change, drink and eat at their particularly for the session furnished conditions together with the participants a little thing, correct with the departures. Also in the evenings they pass their experiences and ideas on with Fondue and wine.
The participants are young people just like "experienced" Snowboarder. The oldest participants, gates of Ølnes and Harald Biong from Norway, are both 66 years old and call themselves the "Gentlemen team". In other words: This technology, which still no name has except nebuloesen "extremes a Carving", is for everyone been suitable, which has fun at the Snowboarden.
And the inventor spirit does not leave Jacques Rilliet and Patrice Fivat also in the future peace. Fivat: "we are both very creatively, superior us again and again new, try out and develop our boards further." And that quasi "besides". Because both have their jobs – Patrice as physics teachers at a High School in Geneva, Jacques as a Hifi specialist with an enterprise. But regularly both pack their things and travel after Zinal, that according to their opinion the ideal skiing area are for their style. Steeply, good snow conditions and hardly overcrowded runways – for the technology need the drivers much place. A ski driver, who crosses its trace, lives dangerously...
Who would like to try this out once and a skiing area to a large extent unknown in Germany would like to know to learn (pretty ski place, nice hotels, short way to the runway, fantastic weather including), looks again and again on the side https://www.extremecarving.com. Here in the next weeks the date for the extremes Carving session is announced 2009.

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Boarden was is ExtremeCarving yesterday, today

Two Swiss drive Snowboard for their life gladly. They developed an absolutely fascinating technology. They even build their own Snowboard series and teach annually to different adventure-merry Snowboardern their technology. With "the Carving" one the breath comes to a hold extremes.
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Boarden was is ExtremeCarving yesterday, today

Two Swiss drive Snowboard for their life gladly. They developed an absolutely fascinating technology. They even build their own Snowboard series and teach annually to different adventure-merry Snowboardern their technology. With "the Carving" one the breath comes to a hold extremes.
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Boarden was is ExtremeCarving yesterday, today

Two Swiss drive Snowboard for their life gladly. They developed an absolutely fascinating technology. They even build their own Snowboard series and teach annually to different adventure-merry Snowboardern their technology. With "the Carving" one the breath comes to a hold extremes.
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michael means:
28.02.2008, 10:55 o'clock
skwal and not squal
means schmidt:
28.02.2008, 10:30 o'clock
Push, Pull, rotation!
Thus, thus... you thus invented extremes the Carving.
Well then you still much success!

Yours sincerely
Black Death & CO.
Markus propellant means:
28.02.2008, 08:03 o'clock
Which describes it here is since 15 years normal Carven, to see in Soelden to see in the Pitztal on the motorways of the alps. A virus to the foot fastened and it goes off! 360° or Jumpturns no matter, all old coffee. There nobody has a new technology developed, times again on two people clean-pleases the boards to sell to want.
Boards to the Carven:
P.S. the art lies in it two centimeters over the runway in air to be even, because each contact brakes, and if one with 100 things the slope down-come puts one itself down to the final on the hands, the show for the public!
by http://www.altavista.com/

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Post by vkrouverk » Thursday 28 February 2008, 11:02

Converting potential energy to kinetic..

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Post by kurtsk8 » Thursday 28 February 2008, 11:08

ottimo ! :D
"I miei sci sbattono, vibrano, sbandano. Io no."

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Post by skywalker » Thursday 28 February 2008, 13:44


1.) Great!
2.) Alpine Snowboarding made it into a germen newspaper once more - already this is your credit :)
3.) Did Ms. Bülow write this article on her own impression - or was there some "information" given to her?


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Post by nils » Thursday 28 February 2008, 14:19

she did an interview of J and P during the ECS

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Re: interview

Post by skywalker » Thursday 28 February 2008, 16:01

nils wrote:she did an interview of J and P during the ECS
So she was joining ECS '08? Was she on a bord or even on hardboots herselve or was she there just for the interview?

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Post by vkrouverk » Thursday 28 February 2008, 16:30

Are you interested in knowing, whether Swoard team pushed this story to magazine? I made couple of pictures of Jacques and Patrice with Patrice's camera for article (they can be seen on web page) and talked with her little bit. She accompanied one ECS participant but she didn't rode board, instead she enjoyed sun, mountains and ECS atmosphere and as I understand, this initiative to make article came from her/magazine side. She on this picture right from Jacques:
http://carving.grewu.org/gallery/ecsV/f ... C_3054.jpg
Converting potential energy to kinetic..

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Post by skywalker » Thursday 28 February 2008, 16:45

vkrouverk wrote:Are you interested in knowing, whether Swoard team pushed this story to magazine?
Thanks for the picture.
But no, I wanted to know, if she was "one of us" :D and if the intention to make this story came from her or not. Just wanted to understand, what this magazin was thinking about public interest...

Edit: Mainly I wanted to know, if she had seen, what she was writing about...

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Post by nils » Thursday 28 February 2008, 16:55

she is a freelance journalist for die welt and other mags... she contacted us a few days before the ECS because she came there with her BF that is a carver, and thought it would be of interest to write an article... we agreed and here she comes :).... so its hazard and luck ( carving BF) that produced that ;)


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Post by Pogokoenig » Thursday 28 February 2008, 17:17

May it be, that she mixed up "pushing" and "Pulling" a little bit?
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could be ;)

Post by nils » Thursday 28 February 2008, 17:44

its confusing for us, so u can imagine for someone that is not into carving ;)...

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Post by Schneewurm » Thursday 28 February 2008, 20:32

Was this article on printed news-paper or only on-line?

Probably jouralist Alexandra Bülow doesn't know, there are young Children in Switzerland, e.g. like 12 Years old Dario Caviezel (see picture), they can not even carve accurate and fast on difficult slopes, but also like flat on the slope surface (not at this picture).
So she is focusing to a convention of carving old men from the European Cummunity!
Dario-Caviezel-12j.jpg (20.81 KiB) Viewed 10701 times
Gliding on Snowboards,
like Pogo, Kessler, Virus, Hot, Nidecker and others,
from 151 up to 183 cm and 14 to 27.4 cm width,
covering any kind of shapes with
any kind of boots and bindings.
