Swoard Film Contest 2014 > The winners and the films

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Swoard Film Contest 2014 > The winners and the films

Post by fivat » Friday 31 January 2014, 6:27

Hello everybody, :D

1. The winner of the Public Award is known since the end of the poll here:
:arrow: "Runners 2014 – Extreme Carving" from Fabio Catalano :arrow: (5min51)
Congratulations! :clap3: :bravo: :pray2: :birthday:

The other Awards have been announced during the dinner of the ExtemeCarving Session, on 25th January! 8) Among the 7 members of the international jury, 5 were present on the scene. They voted before the meeting and applied the rules of the Contest given here. :D

2. The winner of the Best Riding Award is:
:arrow: "300 hour" from Matti Kangaspuro :arrow: (2min22)
Congratulations! :clap3: :bravo: :pray2: :birthday:

3. The winner of the Best Editing or Script Award is:
:arrow: "Runners 2014 – Extreme Carving" from Fabio Catalano :arrow: (5min51)
Congratulations again! :clap3: :bravo: :pray2: :birthday:

Thus the film "Runners 2014" wins two Awards, what is allowed by the rules of the Contest when a particularly good movie makes unanimity in the jury. Another movie has been appreciated a lot by the jury. That's why a Special Award has been added:

4. The winner of the Special Award of the Jury is:
:arrow: "An Extremecarving's Day" from Jérôme Acquisto :arrow: (3min39)
Congratulations! :clap3: :bravo: :pray2: :birthday:

The prizes are four Swoard snowboards. :birthday: :silly:

Thanks to all the other participants. Their movies are really nice too! :pray2: They all have great things, and show different aspects of our sport and the community. It was really difficult for the jurors to take their decisions.
:arrow: Everybody can watch these movies on the YouTube channel here.

Good news!
This Contest will be made again in two years! So there is enough time for the interested people to shoot good sequences and cut their movie. The rules and the categories will be the same as this year here.

:arrow: Swoard Film Contest 2016 ! Entry submission deadline is 15 January, 2016.
Good luck and good riding! :D

The organizers

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Re: Swoard Film Contest 2014 > The winners and the films

Post by tali » Thursday 6 February 2014, 15:33

I would also like to thank everyone who submitted their videos for the contest. Personally, I had some unforgettable moments watching the films as a spectator, then re-re-re-re-watching them as a juror. :) And of course, a great pleasure was to announce the winners in Zinal :D
I do recommend watching the "Extreme Carving with soft boots and soft snowboard" video by Petr which opens to viewers a new dimension of softboot carving on Dual. I am sure this is a wonderful start for more softcarving/freeride Dual movies. 8) And I really enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and the breathtaking closing Barthelemy sequence in the "EC way of life" video. :D
We are looking forward to the next film contest. Start filming now!
