The Fundamentals of Snowboard Carving and Racing.Donation.

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The Fundamentals of Snowboard Carving and Racing.Donation.

Post by jax » Thursday 20 January 2011, 11:21

From today if you make a donation of more than 20 euro you'll get a pdf copy of the book:
You make directly a donation to the AIRC for more than 20 euro ... online.asp
and I'll give by myself 10 euro to Marc.
(Update end)
As soon as you make the donation please send me jdotti at hotmail dot com a prove of payment and I'll send you the pdf file.

The Fundamentals of Snowboard Carving and Racing.
A Manual for Surfers, Coaches & Parents
by Marc Cirigliano

The donation will go to an italian cancer researc association AIRC.

Please keep your copy only for you, it is for a good cause.

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Post by jax » Saturday 29 January 2011, 22:43

Nobody interested in making a donation for research and getting a 30 usd Snowboarding manual?

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Post by NTwoO » Tuesday 1 February 2011, 23:14

Grabbed the book. At this point I'm somewhere in the second chapter. There are some sound views regarding the coaching that is of relevance for most sports. Haven't reached the tech stuff yet. I would say that it is well written and worth the requested price.

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Post by jax » Wednesday 2 February 2011, 10:56

Thanks for helping us.

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Post by jax » Wednesday 2 February 2011, 18:14

Thanks tomppa to support us.

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Post by jax » Saturday 12 February 2011, 10:19

The youtube channel of the writer

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Post by jax » Friday 11 March 2011, 22:37


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Post by azaz44 » Thursday 24 March 2011, 23:31

jax wrote:Hop
You said "until end of February"...

Any way to find sth about the book except that it's snowboarding book?

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Post by jax » Friday 25 March 2011, 11:02

Correction made, thanks.
Here is a teaser (new correction because Megaupload is now closed)

The Fundamentals of Snowboard
Carving and Racing
A Manual for Surfers, Coaches & Parents
by Marc A. Cirigliano
Copyright © 2007 by Marc A. Cirigliano
Rochester, NY
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed in
any form or by any means, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior permission of Marc A. Cirigliano.


Printed in the United States of America
Marc A. Cirigliano is available for consulting, classes, workshops and coaching
regarding snowboarding, movement studies and program development. He may
be contacted through both email and phone: or
Cover Photo: Pat Maley of Eastman Kodak
created from video footage generously supplied
by the FIS
for lindy
Acknowledgements v
Introduction vi
Chapter One: Non-conformity, Learning, Environment and Coaching 1
Chapter Two: A Positive Learning Environment 9
Chapter Three: Fitness and Physical Literacy 22
Chapter Four: Biomechanics and the Athletic Position 30
Chapter Five: The Stance 40
Chapter Six: Carving 58
Chapter Seven: Race Techniques and Strategies 83
Chapter Eight: Dryland Boarding 100
Chapter Nine: Putting It All Together 104
About the Author 107
Even when we begin a journey all on our own, we always take along those who
have influenced, guided and helped us before. Nowhere is this more true than
my journey in winter sports in general and my experiences in snowboarding in
Andy Boorman of the USASA introduced me to carving on an alpine board ages
ago. In Val Gardena, Georg Rabanser was always forthcoming with advice. Uwe
Beier of Germany helped me with parts of the text and gave sound advice on
stance as well as rotational techniques. Patrice Fivat, Jacques Rilliet and Nils
Degremont at have been true comrades in arms, giving me
advice, access to images and plenty of encouragement. Heinrich Bergmüller and
his assistant Alexandra Baldwin were great with guidance and support.
Above all, Christian Hrab, former Head Coach of the Canadian National
Snowboard Team and current Director of Sport Development of the Canadian
Snowboard Federation has been a veritable guru and an encyclopaedic source of
knowledge, coaching advice and inspiration.
Very nice folks at FIS Headquarters in Switzerland—Marcel Looze, Simon
Felsberger and Director of Photography Oliver Kraus—gave me access to all
sorts of photography and video clips for some sequences created by my friend
Pat Maley of Eastman Kodak and some made by me. TK Gore of
went out of his way to find some information and also give me encouragement.
Troy Cusson, PR Director at Bristol Mountain, was generous with slope time at
Bristol, where Greg Francis was kind enough to take photographs of Christina
Duschenko, Tom Polanski and yours truly. And Vahur Krouverk was a real
gentleman in giving us permission to use some of the
sequences that he stitched together. Dave Puskas, who knows nothing about
snowboarding, read the manuscript and offered sound advice on matters of
Rick Remmy, owner and designer of Heelside Snowboards, has kept me in fine
equipment over the years, a fact that has made a real difference in my riding and
for which I am grateful.
If everyone in the world were as generous as these people, the world would be
much better off. Each of them embodies the Olympic Ideal, something that we
should all strive for in life:
The goal of Olympism is to place everywhere sport at the service of the
harmonious development of man, with a view to encouraging the
establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human
The purpose of this book is to introduce experienced riders, young racers,
coaches and parents to the fundamentals of snowboard carving and racing.
This guide was written in the hopes that it will raise the level of freeriding and,
perhaps more to the point, spur people on to develop snowboard racing
programs all over the world that are affordable, open to all, and, of course, just
plain fun. Programs are the key to development, simply because, young people
learn this sort of thing better in a group where camaraderie, friendship and
sharing create the sort of growth that racing demands of its participants.
The material presented here is based on my own learning experience in
snowboarding as a learner, rider, coach, college professor and sports enthusiast.
The general principles developed here are based on:
1) Peer reviewed science-based scholarship in sports science and movement
2) My own experience teaching and exploring movement science in our Arts
Program at SUNY Empire State College in Rochester, NY. In particular,
my professional association with noted dancer, choreographer and
movement specialist, Liz Clark.
3) The teachings and ideas of the some of elite-level snowboard coaches I
have learned from such as Christain Hrab, Uwe Beier, Georg Rabanser
and Andy Boorman
4) My experiences studying skiing with Werner Perathoner in Val Gardena,
Jimmy Murray in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Fiffi Steinrotter at Brantling
and, above all, my good friend Greg Gurshman here in the States
After coaching for a fewyears, observing snowboard instruction on the hill and
talking with fellow boarders, I concluded three things.
First, snowboarding is one of the most open and welcoming of the winter sports.
Surfers are the best people on the hill. Young old, new, experienced—everyone is
welcome and the community is always there to give you encouragement. If you
extend riding a plank to warm weather rider on a skateboard, it is downright
neighborly, something you see in practically every residential neighborhood in
the country and something you can try with even a ten-dollar skateboard from a
discount store.
Second, the level of athletic ability you find on the hill in snowboarding is
amazing. For a sport that punishes as physically as tackle football, requires the
coordination of gymnastics and demands the finesse of golf, there is never a
shortage of enthusiastic self-taught young people who continually improve from
year-to-year. Who doesn’t wish they could go through the terrain park like many
of the kids we see each and every time we are on the hill?
Third, the actual level of basic carving skills that are the basis of slalom, giant
slalom and boardercross is low. People slide their turns all the time, with few, if
any, actually able to carve a clean line down the hill with their board accelerating
on its nearly frictionless edge drawn ever faster by gravity. There is great
creativity for amazing tricks all over the mountain, but not sound fundamentals
when it comes to carving. That’s the reason for this book.
And everyone should read it in that spirit of trying to bring something new to a
wonderful sport. There are no secrets to snowboarding. Neither are there “quick
fixes” nor “quick studies” where you can learn, in “Three Easy Lessons,” the
hush-hush techniques that only a few insiders know.
In the spirit of openness, the material is presented in an open manner. There is no
attempt to summarize everything in a few easy steps and then give it a quick to
remember acronym, like QSSB, Quick Secrets for Snowboarding Better. There’s
too much of that junk out there already for just about every sport. Boarding
cannot be reduced in this way. It has too many components, as do the athletic
body and mind, to emphasize some things at the expense of other essentials.
Moreover, what might work for one boarder could be troublesome and even
destructive for another. Individualization is the cornerstone of high level
coaching, but that takes time, patience and a willingness to suspend immediate
gratification, something many parents, in particular, do not have.
If you really want to learn, you’ll have to take the time to read, re-read, take
notes, plan practices (even if you are self-teaching yourself), and keep a simple
logbook, with notes and drawings, of your training and progress.
Above all, this book has the Olympic ideal in mind:
The goal of Olympism is to place everywhere sport at the service of the
harmonious development of man, with a view to encouraging the
establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of
human dignity.

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Post by jax » Tuesday 5 April 2011, 15:44

Hello everyone
There has been a total of seven donations.
Today I made ​​the donation including funds raised from donors not on this forum and my small addition.
Thanks for your support and I hope that next season we will be more numerous.
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Re: The Fundamentals of Snowboard Carving and Racing.Donatio

Post by jax » Sunday 12 February 2012, 19:49

You make directly a donation to the AIRC for more than 20 euro ... online.asp
and I'll give by myself 10 euro to Marc.
As soon as you make the donation please send me a prove of payment and I'll send you the pdf file

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Re: The Fundamentals of Snowboard Carving and Racing.Donatio

Post by Abrax » Friday 16 March 2012, 11:29

Hi Jax, I'm in! I've sent you an e-mail :-)
580km in 3 hours and 5 minutes completely legal!!! I love german highways!!!

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Re: The Fundamentals of Snowboard Carving and Racing.Donatio

Post by jax » Friday 16 March 2012, 18:51

Hi Abrax, thanks for supporting AIRC.
If you find the book interesting please write a comment.

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Re: The Fundamentals of Snowboard Carving and Racing.Donatio

Post by Abrax » Saturday 17 March 2012, 23:20

After reading this book I must say that I'm really positively impressed.

I was just hoping to get some technical knowledge about the carving technique but finally this is just a part of the story. :-)

This piece is really important. You get knowledge on how to eat, carve, think, how to prepare yourself for this snowboard season both physically and mentally and with all this bibliography links you get much more than expected. I mean that this book gives you a touch of what is called professional snowboarding. This is not a simple guide on how to. This fulfills your questions on general season approach and positive learning curve. Possibly you will learn yourself how you should deal with yourself to learn snowboard in a more efficient way :-)

Good book, really well written. :bravo: :-)
580km in 3 hours and 5 minutes completely legal!!! I love german highways!!!
