What about assymetric?

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What about assymetric?

Post by bawbawbel » Thursday 8 August 2002, 20:43

Does the assymetric board approach in http://www.pureboarding.com/ have any significance?
Coming from soft boot beginnings I don't know at what binding angle an assym board is no longer helpfull to achieve centering.

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Post by skywalker » Friday 9 August 2002, 14:02

Hi bawbawbel,

I've been riding asymmetric boards for years and i still do like their look. When I started alpine snowboarding, I thought, I would move my body on the board by bending my ancles. Then I feel moving along the longitudinal axle of my feet, and in this case asymmetric seems to make sense because the middle between Your knees is always at the center of the edge.

But if You read the site, J&P write about concentrating to Your hips. They are the center of Your thinking. And if You move them towards the center of the turn, they don't make much (maybe not any) forward or backward (in the driving direction) movement. So the center of gravity will always stay in the middle of a symmetric board.

So there are no limits of the binding angle, but years ago You would have said, that with less than 50 ore 55° there's sense to go asymmetric, because of moving Your weight from the front of Your shoe to the heel and back again. If the binding angle is increased, You will move rather from the left side of You feet to the right side, so there isn't any frontal move possible.

I hope I could help You a little bit with Your question



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Post by bawbawbel » Saturday 10 August 2002, 17:51

Thanks, Tom, I see the significance of your points.
I was thinking that having heel and toe turns feel very similar would help in our progression towards linking them low.
Indeed, the extreme position has it's own special requirements, and we seem to be very much at the mercy of the board characteristics. I wonder how much camber J&P are thinking to build into their EC boards?

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toe and back turn

Post by nils » Saturday 10 August 2002, 18:20

well bawbawbel, those two turns do have the same feel to my opinion in a EC technique, the pressure is equally applied on both legs, and the feeling i have , especially on the backside is that i'm turning in a pullman seat, it feels very safe and comfy.

I'm not sure I understand your point on camber thu...its not really where the difference is made between boards I think, it just gives more juice but compare to flex and torsion it is of less importance..


ps how is the snow in Australia this season? any EC carvers there? :D

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Post by bawbawbel » Sunday 18 August 2002, 1:19

Just back from a week of wild riding on a carload of boards, Nils.
When I felt brave I relinquished the safety of the slide and carved my ancient Gnu/Kastinger setup modified for central stance and high forward angles, very stiff and unforgiving. Rather than a Pulman seat, it feels like a mountain bike going down a ski jump.
To investigate the camber question I took two softboot Burton Motion board models, 160 cm, one with strong camber and one with negligible camber. Much better straight running and initiation of gentle turns with the strong camber.
All of which has no relevance to extreme carving, as you claim.
Amongst 1,000 boarders, I did see one hard booter.
Quite a few softbooters carve on the green (gentle ) slopes. A single slide as their toes touch the snow ends the extreme angle experiment.
Somewhere, someone is laying low on the Ozzie snow :)
