Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Support about extremecarving or freecarve/freeride Swoard boards, hardboots and bindings

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Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by DidiKarl » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 11:08

Dear EC Community,

I am hoping to find your expertise about my desire to find a board, which combines two most conflictive characteristics:
1. Best possible EC capabilities, which are to me perfect reliability and smoothness on the edge at deep lay-down with 90º angle at any type of slope conditions
2. I want the board to function perfectly on low speed, as well for EC, as for cruised carving from edge to edge with very short turns, as I am an already 45 years old responsible (coward) father.

20 years ago, I had a 174 Niedecker Extreme, which I changed 15 years ago for a 167 Niedecker Proto II, because the Extreme appeared tome too fast and dangerous, as I could not control it well at that time, so I looked for a board with e very small radius. The Proto II satisfied me very well, especially how easy it turns from edge to edge, the small radius, which makes the board turning almost by itself, without making it too nervous. However, as I learned to get deeper and deeper down on my turns, I struggled with that small radius, as it makes the board hopping and losing the grip at extreme lay-downs with 90º angle.
Also does EC work with it only at perfect slope conditions.
So I started to look for an upgrade. (Yes, I am still using that old Proto II!)

Currently, my attention is on two/three boards, of which each of them seems to me perfect (according the several videos and comments in the different forums) only for one of my two requirements, but may be one of you could help me out to get it right:
The conclusion of my (so far only theoretical) investigation is that for my first requirement I should take either the Swoard Extremecarver or the Virus Xtreme Carver respectively, but for the second requirement I should rather consider the Pureboarding Bastard.

But my fear is on the one hand that the radius of the Swoard/Virus might be to big for me so that they may work only at a rather too high speed and that cruising with easy carved small turns may not work that well, while on the other hand the Pureboarding may not be perfect for EC, as the short radius may cause instability at deep lay-downs, especially if the slope conditions are not perfect (you can even see that behaviour on the video from Jörg Egli on the PB web page).

Are my conclusions really correct?
Or does may be one of these boards fulfil both of my requirements?
Does anyone of you have the experience to compare these boards regarding my requirements?
Is there may be even another board I should rather consider for me?

My data:
Height: 1,96m
Weight: 85Kg (yes, I am skinny)
Current board: 167 Niedecker Proto II
Boots: New UPZ RC8 (before Raichle AF600).
Binding: F2 Intec step-in (from 2002 – no clue which is the exact name of that model)
My boarding area are the Pyrenees, which means that the main conditions are in the early morning well prepared slops, midday/early afternoon soft corn snow, and late afternoon ice plates. The slopes are rather narrow of any kind of steepness and it is not crowded at all.

Many thanks in advance for any kind of help or suggestions!


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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by joemzl » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 12:15

Hi Dietmar,
welcome to the forum :hello:

Answer is easy: try our Dual at Peyragudes :wink:
All infos about the Dual you will find in the forums and on the Webpage.
In Peyragudes you can compare the Dual to our EC Gen.5 of course too.
Special slope only for EC´ers and our instructor sebhennery.
Couldn´t be better. 8)

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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by DidiKarl » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 13:06

Thank you very much Jörg for your quick response and warm welcome!

Is the Dual not pretty much the same concept like the PureBording Bastard with the same problem that the small radius brings the disadvantage of not work that perfect for EC, that it reacts more nervous (like hopping) at deep lay-downs?


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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by Arnaud » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 14:07

Hi Dietmar,

In Peyragudes you can try both EC and Dual boards. Ask to Seb

The Dual is not an EC board, even if with the proper technique you can lay down some turns. The Dual is more softboots oriented, with an all purpose program : freecarve and freeride.
The Extremecarver was initially designed for EC but thanks to 15 years of improvements it's now a very versatile board you can use in almost every conditions, especially for the Pro model.
didkarl wrote:But my fear is on the one hand that the radius of the Swoard might be to big for me so that they may work only at a rather too high speed and that cruising with easy carved small turns may not work that well
Don't worry about the radius. It's just one parameter but the overall behaviour of the boards depends on many other parameters like for example the flex distribution. Thanks to the custom flex (4 flexes for each size) you can choose the board which match to your weight, so you will always be able to control speed and turn radius.
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Re: Swoard

Post by fivat » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 14:23

Welcome Dietmar,
You could also test the Extremecarver Pro in the Pyrenees. Awesome! Best EC board (and original EC board) ever.
Ask Sébastien. He has 168M which would be too soft for you, but Eric "Portus" has 168H.
Historically EC = Swoard. So I'm afraid you were lured by people and trolls who copy our model names for making money. Test and you will feel the huge difference.
We are proud of being copied and don't care anymore about some illegal methods or pathetic behaviors. We are not there for the same reasons.

We also have Demo Center in Lenggries (Germany) and Hintertux (Austria), with all the new models (Dual2, Extremecarver Gen5 and Extremecarver Pro2): see contact name here. EC is not only a ride technique, it's also a philosophy close to surfing. Some advices about ride technique and setup are very important. That's why we made schools and 35 events in 14 years.

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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by DidiKarl » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 14:57

Yes indeed, I am more and more led towards the EC Pro, as I am clearly a hard boot/carver type of border.

My biggest question is: Does the EC Pro also work well at lower speed? And will I still be able to do easy, short, sharp, and carved slalom turns edge to edge?

As I am still happy with my Proto II regarding its slalom capabilities, I clearly look just for an upgrade towards much better EC capabilities without losing the advantages of my old (OK – yes, very old) board.
I am simply tired of the bucking and pitching of my Proto II at lay-downs when the slope conditions are not perfect, and that I cannot do several lay-downs in a raw.

The testing at the Pyrenees would be perfect indeed, but it would be almost 5 hours away from me, while my home mountain is just 2 hours away.
I am afraid that difference has a pretty low WAF (wife acceptance factor :roll: ) so I need to risk relying on hearsay and the judgement of the experts.

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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by Matti » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 15:15

DidiKarl wrote: My biggest question is: Does the EC Pro also work well at lower speed? And will I still be able to do easy, short, sharp, and carved slalom turns edge to edge?
Pro and Pro 1.1 are both very usefull for all kind of slopes. Quick and agile or easy and stabile :bravo: .
You can ride lazy style or extremely agressive - depends on what you want :D .
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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by DidiKarl » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 15:34

So it looks like the EC Pro is THE one for me.

Then remains only the question which one I should pick?
A bit smaller than my hide/weight would suggest (168H), in order to be a bit more agile, or should I stick to the official recommendation (175 M)?

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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by Arnaud » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 15:54

1m95, 85 kg, but what is your boot size ?
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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by DidiKarl » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 15:58

85 kg
28,5 mondo (yes, my feet are really that small :tongue: )

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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by Arnaud » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 16:06

You are lucky with your "small" feet. And UPZ are short too. Theoritically, you should use a 175M , but the 168H could be an option if you prefer a more lively board. You won't need very high angles with the 168. Less than 50° rear.
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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by DidiKarl » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 16:26

Do you mean by "more lively" more agile, in a way that I could ride lazier from edge to edge, or do you mean more nervous in a way that I have to ride more attentive and precise?
Would not the shorter version fit better my requirements of excellent slow EC capabilities AND good slalom capabilities?

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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by Arnaud » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 16:33

yes, more lively = more agile.
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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by DidiKarl » Wednesday 8 February 2017, 16:48


Thank you all so much for your effort and patience to sort this out!

Finally I got it crystal clear which one I have to choose, which will be the EC PRO 168H.

So, once more thank you so much and have a great season!


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Re: Swoard/Virus Xtreme Carver versus Pureboarding Bastard

Post by Skutt » Tuesday 14 March 2017, 17:33

Hallo under feedback extremcarver pro you can find a review that i wrote, i am from the same background as you, i have been riding mainly race bords type nidecker extrem and some more. Read my experience of the EC pro it might help.
